Cheese Making Techniques

Cheese Making Techniques

There are various cheese making techniques to keep in mind when you start your own home cheese making. I have outlined a few of these in the blog posts below. If you’re anything like me, once you get into the nitty-gritty of cheese making you will find that a lot of this information will come in handy.

Cheese Making Technique Articles

Have a read through and if you need any clarification please head over to our Cheese Forum where myself and our wonderful Curd Nerd family will be able to help out.

The methods below are a general outline of the techniques used cheese making. It is a great start and  should help you to get your head around all of the recipes which call for these techniques.



  • Make sure you have an entirely clean, dirt and dust free area
  • Use a sterilising solution to clean your utensils and surfaces
  • Have all the equipment you need at the ready

Warming/Heating Milk and Curds

  • Use a double boiler or a sink with heated water
  • Control your temperatures using an accurate thermometer
  • Heat slowly and consistently, don’t heat too quickly
  • Don’t over heat beyond what the recipe states

Adding Cultures

  • Measure carefully – only add what the recipe specifies.
  • Sprinkle on top of the milk and then leave for half a minute to melt in – then stir in thoroughly.
  • Keep cultures frozen if freeze dried and keep stored in a sealed bag or container.

Adding Rennet

  • Dilute Rennet in boiled and cooled water before adding.
  • Measure carefully – too much Rennet leaves a bitter aftertaste.
  • Stir in an up and down motion and then around the pot in both directions.
  • Don’t stir for too long – some recipes call for 5 minutes, I think this is far too long.

Checking For A Clean Break

  • Use a sterilised knife, or a VERY clean fingerCheese Making Techniques
  • Run either through the curd at a slight angle, about 3cm deep
  • Check to see that the curd separates cleanly, with a clean edge and a clear whey starting to pool in the break
  • If the curd is mushy and falls back into the break in pieces, it has not set
  • Another way is to use a clean palette knife and attempt to press the curd away from the side of the pot. If it comes away in a solid piece without breaking up, you have a good firm curd

Do you have any questions or comments about home cheese making techniques? Join the discussion over at the Curd Nerd Forum. We would love to hear from you!

Curd Nerd Forum

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